Life Groups

Young Family

Time & Location

Time and locations vary.

  • How on earth do we as parents integrate into the church community in the midst of changing diapers, running kids to practice, school activities, and work, all while doing the day-to-day necessities? It’s tricky, but totally do-able. We’re here to encourage one another in the hardest stages of life and form deeper relationships with Jesus and each other. We’re all trying to navigate parenthood so why not link arms for the journey, because after all, life is meant to be lived together.

  • Leader: Pastor Shaina and Ryan Yates


    Office Phone: 941-629-0999

Journey Together

Time & Location

Date: 3rd Saturday of the month
Time: 6:00pm
Location: Community Life Church - 19048 Edgewater Dr., B Bldg., Port Charlotte, FL 33948

  • Journey Together is currently studying Jonathan Cahn's Josiah Manifesto which relates to Jewish feasts and the end times.

  • Leader: Pastor Mark Coffey and Shavon Phipps


    Office Phone: 941-629-0999

The Mary Widows

Time & Location

Date: 2nd and 4th Monday of the month
Time: 11:30am
Location: IHOP - 1789 Tamiami Trl, Port Charlotte, FL 33948

  • Inspired by John 19:26-27, our goal is to provide a Christian based ministry for widows and widowers of all races, ages, and backgrounds, where they can grow with Christ and one another. This program’s main focus will be learning to minister to the needs of others through Christ’s body.

  • Leader: Linda Tolley

    Office Email:

    Personal Phone: 540-494-964

Soul Sisters

Time & Location

Date: 2nd Friday of the month
Time: 6:30pm
Location: Community Life Church - 19048 Edgewater Dr., F Building, Port Charlotte, FL 33948

  • Soul Sisters - because united, we are allies through thick and thin, supporting each other in every circumstance in this life.

    Sisters share an unbreakable bond built on a foundation of trust, love, and unwavering support.

  • Leader: Jennifer McGill & Treasa VanAken

    Office Email:

    Office Phone: 941-629-0999

Anchored Life

Time & Location

Date: 3rd Thursday of the month
Time: 6:30-7:30/8:00pm
Location: Locations vary.

  • Anchored is a safe place where Christians the ages of 18-25 gather to grow their relationship with God while participating in fun team building activities with other college aged Christians.

  • Leader: Caleb Coffey and Chenoa Rodriguez


    Instagram: @anchored.lifegroup

    Personal Phone: 941-288-3449


Time & Location

Date: 4th Tuesday of the month
Time: 6:30pm
Location: Community Life Church - 19048 Edgewater Dr., Lobby Cafe, Port Charlotte, FL 33948

  • What Does It Mean to Be Chosen?

    Being chosen by Jesus has beautiful and far-reaching implications—although it says even more about the Chooser than the choosees. We are loved because He’s love. We are saved because He’s merciful. We belong to the family of God because Jesus invites us, making the Bible and all its promises as true for us today as it was for God’s chosen nation.

  • Leader: Pastor Kalvin Kress


    Office Phone: 941-629-0999

Fight Night

Time & Location

Date and time based on UFC schedule.

Locations vary.

  • Love watching MMA but don’t have others to enjoy it with? Well, now you do! This group is for men who enjoy fight night and getting to fellowship with likeminded guys over fun and food.

  • Leader: Derick VanAken

    Office Email:

    Office Phone: 941-629-0999

Grace & Hope

for your Mental Health Journey

Time & Location

Date: 2nd Wednesday of the month
Time: 6:30-8:30pm
Location: Community Life Church - 19048 Edgewater Dr., Lobby Cafe, Port Charlotte, FL 33948

  • Grace & Hope will be sharing topical studies to help those seeking an intro to explore mental wellness and to help you and your family communicate about topics such as stress, burnout, trauma ,depression, anxiety and other mental health conditions.

  • Leader: Marie Lofsten


    Phone: 941-815-7702


Time & Location

Date: 2nd Friday of the month
Time: 7:00pm
Location: Community Life Church - 19048 Edgewater Dr., Lobby Cafe, Port Charlotte, FL 33948

  • L.I.G.H.T is place for ages 25-40 to learn and grow together in the Word by studying Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby.

  • Leader: Jeff Woodard

    Office Email:

    Personal Phone: 941-763-1867